#### Remove the old version of this mod before installing the new one
Then I said fÜ@k it, and proceed to lengthen the M249 barrel too.
lengthened the barrel of Long Barrel attachment..
moved the barrel extension bone (a_ns), so it follos the new barrel length
moved the muzzleflashes bone, so its properly positioned now
Payday 2 skin support: original skin UV
> Put in "mod_overrides" folder
Known Issue:
Muzzle Flash might not follow with all the lengthened and moved weapon parts.. Should not be an issue, since flash are very quick. (Or hope Diesel Model tool also support moving object/effect bone placement.. one can only hope :p)
well what do you know, 3 years later and the Diesel Model Tool have the capability to moves the muzzle flash and barrel_ext bones
the only issues is skin UV, Diesel Model Tool still cant perfectly re-export vanilla model skin UV, so the half of the barrel wont have pattern.