After an altercation at a vintage media store, a copyright infringement lawsuit, a russian mob hit, and several fires downtown that D.C. police are considering 'suspicious', Jacket has lost all of his instructional, documentary and language tapes.
So he's had to pirate a brand new set of tapes; taken from a random assortment of songs, movies, tv shows and video games. The silver lining of this is that we no longer have to hear 'arms outstretched'.
Okay. So-
Six years later & it's done. Just in time for Payday 2 to be 100% dead as Payday 3 comes out next year, BUT. Well, I got creative tunnel vision on this one and felt compelled to finish the damned thing.
As the blurb states, this now is a ~FULL~ voice over replacement for Jacket, using sound bites from various pieces of tv, movies, music, games or just memes, dead or otherwise. My personal tastes probably formed a bias on what ended up in here, but I tried to include as wide a range of things as possible.
As with other VO replacement mods, this mod will only work if the game's language is set to English.
This mod has been split into two folders due to modworkshop's filesize constraints. Download, extract and copy both the contents of both files (Main and Extra) to the mod overrides folder.
The usual location for this is C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\PAYDAY 2\assets\mod_overrides
-Hank Nasty produced the original base lines and started out the concept for this mod, including many of the pager answers, the 'follow me' callout, the Dallas call out, some of the specials callouts, and several other lines, roughly 30 unique lines, although some of which I replaced with others where I thought they could be improved upon.
-Statik for allowing me to incorporate his 'Real Heat Speech' mod for Jacket.
-GermanDerpySkies for his find on encoding .ogg files into compatible .stream files
-Musuko for his help brainstorming ideas for replacement lines