Now including: A BeardLib version!
Mares and Gentlecolts, the signature masks of The Mane Suspects crew.
"The Mane Suspects Crew ascended into infamy after a notorious crime spree spanning over the last decade and a half. The crew began its humble origins as an almost successful attempt against Celestia's own treasury, their leader being captured by the Princess herself while they were making their escape. The rest of the gang escaped, but their activities ceased for some time. Later the crew resurfaced and began making hits against small Banks and Jewelry stores before vanishing completely again about a year after the coronation of Princess Cadence. The Mane Suspects resurfaced yet again several years later and this time they were aiming high. Local Banks, The Canterlot Art Gallery, Funds Convoys, Royal Treasury Trains, The Canterlot and Manehatten Central Banks, a successful hit on Celestia's personal treasury, Griffonstone's Royal Vaults, no job was too big, and no lock was unbreakable. It was rumored that even the Dragon Lord himself had lost half of his horde to The Mane Suspects Crew. They were the envy of every member of the underground world, from the lowly crook to the Griffon smuggling barons. One Summer Sun Celebration however, The Mane Suspects crew simply vanished yet again from the face of Equestria, and they haven't been heard or seen from yet ..."
-Canterlot Daily, Jan. 19 1007 AB
The Standard version of this mod replaces following masks with a mask of a member of the Mane 6:
The Braniac (Twilight Sparkle), The Horned Beast (Applejack), The Cannula (Rainbow Dash), The Zipper (Fluttershy), Mrs. Mannequin (Rarity) and The Greek Tragedy (Pinkie Pie).
The masks are all from the "Normal" category and require no DLCs to work, they're semi-customizable but I would advise against it since only the materials work as intended.
The BeardLib version requires BLT and BeardLib, installation is the same as the other versions.
Pony Models and Textures by KPShadowsquirrel, Nahka and a lot of others.
Porting, Model, UV and Texture edits by Skyrazer