Undeadsewer for making the Dynamic Crosshairs from PD:TH mod
Mato for helping me test the mod
Teamroan117 for making a small crosshair version
EnderFusion159 for providing a guide on how to update this mod to BLT 2 manually
- None, report 'em!
- Updated to BLT 2
I know this mod has a lot of issues that I might not be aware of (mainly because I don't use all existing custom HUDs at the same time). If you find any bugs, incompatible mods, etc please write a comment and I will try to fix the issue as soon as possible.
MOD INFORMATION (AKA why this mod is different from Undeadsewer's version which I totally didn't steal)
This mod extends Undeadsewer's Dynamic Crosshairs mod by adding the option to change the dynamics from the mod options menu. However, the main feature about this mod is the "event-based" coloring, which means that the 4 individual parts of the crosshair will be colored depending on your ammo, armor and health state.
COLOR GUIDE (VERSION 9 AND BELOW) (Note that the colors can be edited in the mod options menu)
- The left part represents your armor, starting out green and fading to red as you take damage
- The bottom part represents your health, it starts out white and, like armor, fades to red as damage is taken
- The right part represents the percentage of ammo in your currently equipped weapon (66-100%: white, 33-66%: orange, 0-33%: red, 0%: dark red)
- The top part represents the percentage of ammo in your non-equipped weapon, the coloring scheme is the same as the one used on the right part
The following can be edited in the mod options menu:
- Toggle crosshair visible - just for the sake of it
- Toggle crosshair coloring - so you can get the vanilla crosshair feeling
- Edit the display mode for each part
- Toggle ADS crosshair - having a crosshair in ironsights feels weird
- Set the type of the ADS crosshair
- Toggle ADS crosshair only on weapons that don't have ironsights - you can finally see where you're sawing
- Edit dynamic spread amount - in case you want the crosshair to move less/more or be static
- Edit length and width of the 4 crosshair parts - thanks to Teamroan117
- Edit pretty much all the colors
Put into the "...\PAYDAY 2\mods" folder