This mod replaces the current gloves in game with gloves styled like the ones in the alpha gameplay. The mod has three styles. (which, unfortunately I have forgotten what they are, but hey, a mystery to solve!) PUT ONLY ONE IN MOD_OVERRIDES. PS: This is a mod made by Martini apart of Alpha Restoration, from a long time ago. He hasn't seem to reupped this, (as I sent him the files in June 2015) and since he has quit modding, I guess I'll do it for him. TL;DR Not my mod, reupping for Martini since he hasn't.
Screenshots in order, Style 1, Style 2, Style 3.
STYLES 1 AND 2 ARE BROKEN IN THIRD PERSON UNLESS YOU ARE USING GROCERIES' OLD CHARACTER MODELS MOD. INSTALL HIS MOD IF YOU ARE USING STYLE 1 OR 2. Link: Edit: Groceries' mod has since been removed, so now if you're going to use Style 1 or 2, you must use datUser's Old Heisters Restoration mod or simply delete the third person textures for those styles (criminal_gloves_df & nm.texture).