Solid Snake's head from Metal Gear Solid, ported to PAYDAY 2 as a standalone mask.
Delete any prior versions of the mod! This update completely changes the file structure, if you skip this step, you will still have the old version overwriting the Vlad Armor mask!
Ensure your BLT/SuperBLT and BeardLib are up to date.
Extract the MGS1Snake folder into your mod_overrides directory.
Mask customization probably doesn't work perfectly, but come on. Respect Snake's beautiful head.
As this is primarily a personal mod, I solely used Jacket as a size guide, as he is the only heister I play. There will probably be clipping on at least one other heister, but I am more than happy to send over the source files if anyone is interested in making alternate versions. Very very minor testing produced no clipping, though.