PLEASE NOTE: This is a test build and I recommend disabling every other lua HUD mod before trying this! There may be bugs present so feel free to report them.
This is my first HUD mod that I've been creating for a couple weeks. If you're a fan of HoxHud's layout, you might be interested in this HUD mod!
This mod aims to add more features to the HUD while still keeping in touch of the vanilla HUD layout. This is merely here to expand your vanilla HUD experience I guess...
There are too many features to type in this description box. I've included some screenshots to show you some of the features. If you want to see all the features, go to the mod settings and everything that this HUD modifies is right there.
And of course, every feature can be turned on and off so you can turn on which ones you like!
And NO, I did not steal any of HoxHud's scripts or any other HUD mod's scripts. I've reconstructed the HUD based on screenshots and other images which made it look similar.
uHUD Vanilla+ v7.1 [Patch Notes]
uHUD Vanilla+ v7 [Patch Notes]
uHUD Vanilla+ v6 [Patch Notes]
uHUD Vanilla+ v5 [Patch Notes]
uHUD Vanilla+ v4 [Patch Notes]
uHUD Vanilla+ v3 [Patch Notes]
uHUD Vanilla+ v2 [Patch Notes]
uHUD Vanilla+ v1 [Patch Notes]