Ghost 145+
This is for those of you who think stealth is too easy. Introduces two new difficulty modes specifically for stealth separate from mission "difficulty." This will make the game harder. If that isn't what you're into, this isn't for you.
There are three modes to choose from (found in mod options):
- Default gameplay; mod effectively disabled
- Allowed 3 pagers
- No civilian casualties
- Reduced marked guard duration
- Shouting at civilians generates detectable noise*
- Double stealth XP bonus*
- No pagers
- No civilian casualties
- No marking guards
- ECM Jammer does not work on phones
- Shouting at civilians generates detectable noise*
- Triple stealth XP bonus*
This mod is very experimental although it has been (mostly) tested and appears to work as intended. It should not work in games you aren't hosting. Other players are not affected by marking duration and I don't know yet if they share the civilian noise.
Feedback is appreciated. Also, if you like hardcore stealth, add me on Steam, I like it too.

Publish Date9 years ago
Last Updated3 years ago


MiamiCenter [*]Collaborator