Force Ready 1.7
You have that one friend who just wants you to wait extra 5 minutes, while he: eats, sleeps, comes back from WC, jogs, talks to mom, talks to dad, watches tv, sings or etc.
With this tool, you can force the game to start without having to wait for him to return.
Only works after waiting 2 minutes in game load out screen and if the person that is not ready is from your friend list.
- Start the game without having to wait for your friend to come back.
Notice: Big thanks to: Spiltmilk for fixing the preplanning and drill spawns on Bank heists.
- Install BLT hook download link.
- Extract the content from zip archive into mods folder.
- Q: Could you create {X} feature?
- A: Post your suggestion in the comment section and I will try to integrate it if the idea gets lots of love from others.
- Q: How do I use it?
- A: Go to options>mod key binds. Map a button for force start. When you are in the game load out screen, press your key bind and it will start.
- Q: Wait is that my line of code?
- A: Could be, I used some of the code from lua snippets to get it working.
I highly thank these people for their devotion developing the mod. If you would like to discuss any translation related question, please do go ahead and ask them.
- French : Mr.PlayYou [BE]
- German : Lino
- Russian : chrom[K]a
- Italian : Winston Wolfe
Time formatting
Code fixing
Fixed friend check
Added french localization
Fixed the issues with not spawning items. Thanks to: Spiltmilk
Added Russian localization chrom[K]a
Added German localization Lino
Added Italian localization Winston Wolfe

Publish Date9 years ago
Last Updated9 years ago
