My fellow heisters,
today I proudly present to you a very special melee weapon I created.
origin story
Hoxton wasn't lazy during his little vacation in prison. He always knew that a certain kind of protection would be neccessary.
And he knew that he can't trust anyone except for his fellow members of the Payday gang. But unfortunalty none of them where around in this harsh place at the time and so he had only himself whom he could trust.
During his time inside he always had an eye for useful materials and items and after a short period of time he was able to craft his handy life ensurance - THE ULTRA SHANK.
the ultra shank consists of
- a pencil, a swedish visitor "forgot" in the visitation room
- a high quality fork from the prison kitchen
- a sharp glass shard, which Hoxton could obtain during a riot
- some wires he "found" in the walls
- and the most valuable item known to mankind: duct tape
While creating this mod, I wanted to produce a weapon that carries the spirit of its predecessor.I spent quite some time on research for prison weapons that actually exist in real life. I took the ones I liked and merged them to this deadly combination. So you could say, that this weapon is not so far fetched and could actually be assembled in prison.
- changelog v1.2
- added a better preview pic for the ultra shank (pic in preview down below)
To install the mod sipmly extract the .zip file and put the folder into the mod_overrides folder
This mod replaces Novas shank with my ultra shank.
Please leave some feedback in the comments or a PM and tell me if what you think about it as well as what you would like to see different in the future.
Furthermore I'd like to invite you to join me and other fellow gaming enthusiasts in my steam group VALVE Street
Also check out my other mods I created so far. There is some unique stuff I made over the time.
Stay tuned for more stuff to come.
[VAL$T] Wolf