What's new with V6.11?
A few years ago I made a pledge to update this mod as long as new heists are released and with V6.11 Crude Awakening now has full support. This game has been out for 10 years, I started playing it 9 years ago, and I first created this mod 8 years ago... Payday and Various Text Changes have both been big parts of my life and it's surreal that we're finally coming to the end of that. V6.11 is planned to be the end of life update and when Payday 3 comes out I'm going to stop supporting it entirely.
For those of you that have used this mod at any point over the last 8 years, thank you. And, despite my disdain for a lot of decisions Overkill have made... thank you to Overkill as well for one of the most fun co-op games that I've spent 40% of my life playing. I've put forth a lot of snark about Payday 2's UI and questionable use of strings, but I wouldn't have done any of it if I didn't truly love this game to some capacity. Hopefully Payday 3 doesn't force me out of retirement and we can all enjoy another 10 years of Payday, VTC free this time.
This mod doesn't change names of heists. It changes most menu text to be more concise/clear, as well as interaction text. For more detailed information please read below. Check the images for examples of some of the changes the mod makes or watch the video for a look through the menus and interactions.
This mod is aimed at experienced players but is still accessible for newer players. If you're unsure whether to hold or press, just hold the button to find out (most interactions are hold anyway).
There's an optional asset mod included with the download that removes the checkbox on the planning screen (may also remove checkboxes in a few other parts of the game, unintentional side effect). This is in mod_overrides format so install it like any normal texture replacement. Credit goes to Phantom for this.
Old video preview. A bit outdated now but gives you a general idea of what the mod does:
VTC6 is a full interaction rewrite, modifying all interaction text in the game to follow new rules for consistency and conciseness. These rules are as follows:
- Remove "Press" or "Hold" instructions. The game gets a lot of these wrong anyway.
- Remove all unnecessary words. So instead of "BAG THE MONEY", it just says "BAG MONEY".
- All bag based loot will read "BAG [ITEM]" or "PICKUP [ITEM]", while loose loot or inventory items will read "TAKE [ITEM]".
- Remove the pop-up telling you that you need an item if it's obvious. For example, thermal paste or keycards.
For an example of how bad some of the interactions are, I changed "HOLD [F] TO CONNECT THE CABLE TO THE POWER SOCKET" to "[F] CONNECT CABLE".
The main goal is to declutter the screen (for use with mods like MUI) and make it easier to read what you need to read. Most interactions only have two words in them, the action and the object.
Another goal is to make text distinct enough to avoid confusion. For example, "MOUNT DRILL" and "PLACE CHARGE". Originally "MOUNT DRILL" was "PLACE DRILL", and while it seems stupid to mix up "PLACE DRILL" and "PLACE CHARGE" it was a pretty easy mistake if you weren't paying attention.
This mod also fixes all the bag names because some of them weren't capitalised correctly, which looked weird if you were using a mod that removes the capitalisation on bag loot.
All the hint messages have also been shortened, Discord rich presence integration has changed, and the heist result screen has been made more concise with support for the additional damage stats that VanillaHUD+ adds, as well as support for Fast.net.
Check the screenshots for some examples. All heists and the safehouse are fully supported. English only.
Check here for a list of known issues and more in-depth information.