UPDATED: Update 75 added a few more lines to Jacket, which were obviously not affected by this mod. Now they are.
UPDATED: Muted voice lines added by Crimefest.
UPDATED: Muted most of the lines added by Point Break update. NOTE: There are still some tape recorder rewind sounds left but I don't have the time to hunt them down and mute them. They mostly occur when calling for heisters.
UPDATED: Wolf Pack update. Above note still valid.
UPDATED: Some new audio files were added, no idea what they were for but they're muted anyway.
UPDATED: The mod nobody actually uses has got an update. If you still use it, it's your lucky day! Check the changelog tab.
I made this for myself because my personal headcanon and stuff, but I thought that maybe someone else would like something like this (very unlikely but whatever).
COMPLETELY mutes ALL Jacket lines. Nothing is left. Not even tape recorder clicks. He's a very silent murdering machine now.
If you want a more in-character description: Jacket keeps forgetting to take his tape recorder on heists and relies on sign language and evil stares into the souls of the police officers.
mod_overrides is used in this mod.
P.S: If you need some sort of "feedback" that you triggered some sort of a shout action, like inspire or domination, you can do it yourself if you use documentation contained in this guide: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=459092725