Before introduction, i wanted to say that i was really inspired by my friend [DK]TheDvd3000 after he showed me his version and i take responsibility for being such a bad guy for uploading it first!
The Ranger vets are on their way from Baja. I've never seen one before, but I heard they chew nails and spit napalm ~NCR Soldiers
Replaces The Heat shades with the NCR Veteran Ranger Helmet from Fallout: New Vegas, Includes both Mask and a Custom Icon, later then after release i'll release one of the Brotherhood of Steel soldiers T-51B helmet which won't require you to train before wearing it, pull those muscles wanderer! (Also Sugar Bombs!)
Also includes a version without RED Led Glass on,
it's under msk_aviator_df-WithoutREDLEDGLASS name,
just remove -WithoutREDLEDGLASS and swap it over msk_aviator_df.texture.
Modification is Mod_Overrides format,
put it in your Mod_Overrides folder which is located in the main PAYDAY 2 folder in assets folder.