Weapons attachments customizer
Weapons attachments customizer is mod that allows to visually change attachments models and make weapons look like you want without sacrificing stats.
Mod additionally features:
Allows to use unique weapon attachments models for common stocks/barrel extensions/etc,
Customizing sights zoom level, [1]
Keep Front-post on Colt M733, K23 and M16 with sights, [1]
Proper backup iron sights (AUG, Saiga 12K, MAC-10, P90 and Striker), [1]
Single fire as default fire mode for selected weapons, [1]
Option to toggle real weapon names, [1]
Various attachments/weapon fixes: Fixes gadget rails being added to existing rails, missing bullet data in magazines and much more. [1]
- Q: Where i install the mod ?
A: This is BLT mod so it goes into "mods" folder. - Q: Where i find mod options ?
A: Options -> Mods options -> Weapons attachments customizer. - Q: Can other players see replaced attachments ?
A: No mod is client-side. Only you will be able to see replaced models on own/other players weapons. Q: I don't see options for X attachment on Y weapon that i want to customize.
A: You can post option requests in comments but please specify what attachment/weapon options you like to be added. Example: R700 - Military Stock. I also not aiming to add every possible option to mod but ones that will be actually used.- Q: Is this mod compatible with X or Y mod ?
A: Mod should be compatible with most base game related attachment mods. - Q: Can't find some AK or M4/M16 attachments in weapon sub menus.
A: Options for these weapons can be found in: Attachments -> AK Attachments/AR-15 Attachments. - Q: Custom attachments support ?
A: Custom content would require way too much work to implement (dynamic menus/options) and maintain so mod only covers base game content. - Q: Skins looks off on replaced models. Any possible fix?
A: That's due game is applying skin data for original model so patterns/stickers/etc in most cases will be incorrect. Some are fixable but implementing any form of fix would require way too much work at this point.

Publish Date8 years ago
Last Updated9 months ago by
