Here is a pack of gloves with differents mask material.
I will be adding more in the future (when it's ready©), but here's a list of what's already done :
Pack 1 & 2 :
- Bronze
- Chrome Blue
- Inferno
- Oxide Bronze
- Piano Black
- Radioactive
- Rainbow
- Slime
- Titanium
- Bismuth
- Blue Water
- Burn
- Candlelight
- Chrome Purple
- Dawn
- Gemstone
- Hot and Cold
Pack 3 :
- Alien Slime
- Arizona
- Baby
- Carapace
- Casino
- Chromescape
- Electric
- Error
- Evil
- Eye
- Gunsmoke
- Hades
- Haze
- Insectoid
- Neon
- Oily Metal
- Punk
- Red Sun
- Sinister
- Sparks
- Stars
- Sunset
- Void
Click the amazing gif below for a preview album. Or here.
(More previews in the archive)
Installation : Extract the forlder corresponding of the material you want in your mod_overrides folder.
Important :
- This mod has 3rd person models too (hands won't have contour on bots and teammates).
This mod is not compatible with my Rainbow Van and Rainbow Shuriken mods (except for the Rainbow Gloves)Should be OK now.
If you want a particular material to be added in this pack, ask nicely* in the comments and I'll make it. Maybe.
*and give me your credit card number
Update 1.1 : Added Jacket (1st person only) and changed the cubemap I used to avoid conflicts.
Update 2.0 : Added new materials. Made Jacket his own pack because it would almost triple the file size.
Update 3.0 : Added a bunch of new materials, optimized the size of the textures, reworked the normal map.
Update 3.1 : Fixed some materials not working properly when playing as Jiro.
Update 3.2 : Fixed and issue on the Aftershock map.
Update 3.3 : Forgot about Bonnie.