This is an audio overhaul of Chains' voice from PDTH and most of the lines are missing because Overkill added more. I worked on this mod all by myself. So its hard for me because I have to go through 17,000 files in the regular_vox all by myself. So don't expect updates to soon. But other then that I will try my best on updating this.
- Chains inspire lines when boosting another person.
- Chains calling out to teammates
- Chains curses his luck
- All stealth lines
- Some of the revive(inspire) lines are replaced
- Civilian intimidation lines
- All Smoke grenade lines are replaced
- All bot lines
- Cop intimidation lines
- All specials call outs(But not for snipers I haven't replaced them all)
- All turret marking lines in assault wave, but not during non assault.
- Most help call out lines as been replaced during assault, but not during non assault. --- 10/4/15
I made two separate folders: Mute new names and Old Chains mod.
Mute names: Basically just mutes the names of the heisters of whom Chains calls except Dallas, Hoxton, and Wolf.
If you don't want to mute them then just go inside "Old Chains mute names" and rename "soundbanks" --> "soundbanks off" you will hear the current chains say the names though if you do rename it.
NOTE NUMBER 1 : This mod uses the mod_override system. There should be 3 folders in there put it all in the "assets" -->"mod_overrides"
NOTE NUMBER 2 : - Make sure you are playing the game in English or else it won't work. Not sure why but it happens.
This mod is now discontinued. If anyone wants to take over and continue this mod, by all means go for it. Those evil OGG stream files...