[OUTDATED, CURRENTLY] How to Convert One Heister's Suit to Some Other Heister

For instance:
"I just downloaded some crazy awesome suit for Hoxton, but I want it to replace Houston's suit, or someone else's."

After you download the mod, just rename the files inside the mod:
fps_sleeve_old_hoxton_df and suite_05_body_df, to the file names of the heister you would prefer the suit.

List of Heister Filenames:
Dallas = fps_sleeve_dallas_df & suite_03_body_df
Hoxton = fps_sleeve_old_hoxton_df & suite_05_body_df
Chains = fps_sleeve_chains_df & suite_02_body_df
Wolf = fps_sleeve_wolf_df & suite_04_body_df
Houston = fps_sleeve_hoxton_df & suite_01_body_df
John Wick = fps_sleeve_john_wick_df & suite_john_wick_body_df
Dragan = fps_sleeve_dragan_df & suite_dragan_body_df
Sokol = fps_sleeve_sokol_df & suite_06_body_df

As for the Lady heisters, Bonnie and Clyde Clover, it is a little more complex.
Bonnie's suit file directory is different from the other heisters.
Her suit file directory is [units/pd2_dlc_bonnie/characters/npc_criminal_bonnie].
So if you downloaded a mod for Clover, and you wanted it to replace Bonnie instead, you would need to add the file directory listed above, plus rename the files.

Female Filename List + Directories:
Bonnie's Suit = (units/pd2_dlc_bonnie/characters/npc_criminal_bonnie) npc_criminal_bonnie_suit_df
Bonnie's FPS Sleeve = (units/payday2/characters/shared_textures) fps_sleeve_female_2_df
Clover's Suit = (units/payday2/characters/shared_textures) npc_criminal_female_1_df
Clover's FPS Sleeve = (units/payday2/characters/shared_textures) fps_sleeve_female_1_df
That's not confusing, at all.

And as for Jiro... Jiro can pluck a duck.

That's all there is to it.
Not sure if this guide will come in handy or not.
But... Meh.



Thanks! I finally put a Black Suit to Sokol, just how I wanted!

Thanks! I finally put a Black Suit to Sokol, just how I wanted!

Good to hear that my guide is actually readable.
Thanks for the feedback.


What about Jiro and Jacket?

I believe Jiro is called "Dragon" in the game files (because fuck unique names).

What about Jiro and Jacket?
I believe Jiro is called "Dragon" in the game files (because duck unique names).
This guide is to show how to replace one heister's suit over another's. Jiro and Jacket have their own individual 3d models, that also use their own unique textures.

Also, you are correct; Jiro's filename is indeed "Dragon".
However, for editing luas, here are their filenames in code.
[Jiro=dragon / Dallas=russian / Houston=american / Chains=spanish (?) / Wolf=german / Jacket=jacket / John Wick=jowi / Bonnie=bonnie / Dragan=dragan / Clover=female_1 / Hoxton=old_hoxton / Sokol=sokol]
And I concur, duck unique names.

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