P2 Paradise Lost Main Menu Music as Menu Track

Can someone make this awesome-beyond-reason music into a menu track ? (replacing any Christmas track)


It's so close to being a good mod_overrides candidate with the closest replacement being If it has to be Christmas (either version) at 3:44 while this track is 3:40.

  1. Use the .pdmod as it, has to be reinstalled with every update that adds new music to the game otherwise the new music will be silence.
  2. Install the mod as an override using the Bundle Modder and delete this music.bnk: http://puu.sh/jY95L/5bab425f0c.png there will be 4 seconds of silence when the track ends before it replays but you'll never have to reinstall it.



Beat you to it, mate :P
Looked up some guides and made the mod myself, only tweaked it a bit in length to match If It Has To Be Christmas (Instrumental), and without .pdmod bollocks.
Feel free to upload your version, though.

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