Enemy Traits
Enemy Traits adds spells and perks that imitate, or are inspired by, various enemy attacks and designs. Probably not too well balanced.

Current Spells:
- Kiukkukalma's Spirit: A modifier that causes projectiles to periodically release bursts of green orbs.
- Spiraalikalma's Spirit: A modifier that causes projectiles to fire blue orbs in a counter-clockwise direction.
- Hahmonvaihtaja's Guidance: A modifier that allows projectiles to intelligently navigate around terrain and seek out enemies.
- Hahmonvaihtaja's Curse: An explosion of Chaotic Polymorphine magic.
- Korjausdrone's Benevolence: A summonable drone that heals you, but self-destructs after a while.
- Snipuhiisi's Sight: A passive spell that adds a pretty, but harmless, violet laser sight to your wand. May be useful for aiming.
- Heinäsirkka's Munitions: A spell that fires 2 to 3 rockets that home in on enemies after a short period of time.
- Toukka's Spit: A modifier that causes the projectile to create a trail of slime blobs, that explode and damage enemies.
- Liekkiö's Blood: Grants explosion resistance, but causes you to bleed volatile gunpowder.
- Matkija's Gift: Causes Mimics and Chests to drop better loot.
- Heinäsirkka's Legs: Adds several metal legs that assist in climbing.
- Hohtava hyypiö's Retribution: Allows you to fire white lasers in retaliation to damage.
- Kirottu kristalli's Curse: Causes you to occasionally release small Cursed Crystal minions when damaged.
- Stevari's Staff: Dropped by the notorious shopkeeper, grants you a powerful but autonomous staff familiar.

Publish Date6 years ago
Last Updated5 years ago
