Oldman's Immersive Overhaul (Mods Compilation)
NEW IN 1.2.0
- In an attempt to stave off the high casualty rate in their ranks, border guards and the military were issued armor plates and helmets.
- Some enemies managed to acquire rifle optics. Expect more accurate fire from them.
- Stamina reworked: no more infinite sprinting, you'll slow down when stamina is depleted. Stamina recovery rate depends on energy levels.
- Added on/off mod menu setting for More Enemies
- Slightly slower ADS speed for magnified optics
- Added HUD debug info for temperature loss/gain during Cold Winter
NEW IN 1.1.4
- Fixed unintended weapon unholstering when placing items or interacting with trader
- Fixed footsteps not playing in water
NEW IN 1.1.3
- Fixed NVG not turning on when Polaris equipped
NEW IN 1.1.2
- Added mod settings menu (currently not saved, will reset on game restart)
- Minor tweaks to shadow opacity during summer overcast
- Decreased looting delay, no longer unholstering weapon after looting
- Higher quality custom menu background
NEW IN 1.1.1
- Polaris must be equipped in the light slot to enable NVG (previously it was enough to have one in the inventory)
- AI will now react when you point the flashlight at them, even if they're not facing you (limited up to 20m outdoors and 10m indoors)
- Small tweaks to AI behaviour (cleaned up decision switcher)
- Small tweaks to AI accuracy (added intermediate dispersion step between 50 and 100m, increased AI dispersion when AI or player is running)
- Enemy shots only trigger the supersonic crack if the bullet goes past the player.
- Flashlight illuminates the weapon while inspecting, to be able to see the fire selector at night (thanks @.Fabian!)
- Better feedback when out of ammo (trigger click and small weapon movement)
NEW IN 1.1.0
AI Revamp
- AI hearing revamped: player crouching is now stealthier but not silent, interactions (looting, reloading) make noise, jumping is as loud as sprinting, stepping on metal is 50% louder, storm lowers hearing range outdoors
- AI vision revamped: base vision should be similar to default, but night, weather, being indoor, moving, crouching, flashlight, fire barrel (heat zone), (suppressed) weapons fire, all have a slight impact (positive or negative) on player visibility
- AI will sometimes briefly suppress the player's last known position when losing sight of player
- AI will sometimes close doors
- AI more likely to use full auto
- Fixed bug where AI footsteps are silent when behind player
Quality of Life
- Enabled switching weapons mid-reload (reload will be cancelled)
- Decreased player footsteps sound volume while crouching
- Supersonic bullet crack now plays before the shot sound, delay is based on distance
NEW IN 1.0.4
- Fixed inventory reset bug introduced in 1.0.2
- Only save character inventory when entering or exiting shelter
- Keep weapon attachments when crafting upgraded KAR-21
- No duplicate pet rocks (doesn't persist items with flag
remains = true
- yes, I know it's opposite to what it should be...) - No longer persisting dropped and placed items
NEW IN 1.0.1:
- Controls improvement: Sprint or Jump will exit crouch
- Added new menu background
NEW IN 1.0.0:
- Renamed to Oldman's Immersive Overhaul
- Persistent loot: loot should stay the same in the maps until the next morning. Exception: bandit corpses can still spawn new loot.
- Reworked weapon condition and jamming: more recoil with lower condition, jamming occurs less often above 25% condition
- Attach and remove optics and suppressors using right click or dropping them on the equipped weapons from the inventory or containers
NEW IN 0.0.9:
- Active weapon is holstered before opening container
- Added yellow indicator when below 50 energy or thirst
- Adjusted use time for medical items to better align with audio while holstering weapon
- Fixed condition value for secondary weapon during inspect
- Fixed ammo unload stacking bug
NEW IN 0.0.8
- Holster weapons while performing inventory actions (eating, healing, unloading)
NEW in 0.0.7:
- Updated Cold Winter (faster health loss during hypothermia)
- Updated Better Inventory (inventory sorting, ammo stacks when unloading)
- Decreased max common and rare items spawned per container/loot area from 4 to 2
NEW in 0.0.6:
- Deactivated all fires in winter. Bring matches and pray for good weather
NEW in 0.0.5:
- Time of Day change only happens if you've spent some time in an area
- Cold Winter updates
- Arm stamina loss decreased when crouching
NEW in 0.0.4:
- Updated Cold Winter to 0.0.2
NEW in 0.0.3:
- Added ADS Zoom (no zoom for pistols and shotguns)
- Added Cold Winter
- Added More Enemies
- Tweaked recoil and magazine size for Colt 1911, Mosin, SVD and shotgun
- Some bandit corpses will be randomly removed
- Updated mods
NEW in 0.0.2:
- Added Brighter Flashlight
- Added Weapon Condition Loss

Publish Date2 months ago
Last Updated1 day ago by
