_hud - _atom's atrocious hud mod for PAYDAY: The Heist
This is a customizable HUD mod for PAYDAY: The Heist with mostly aesthetic/quality of life changes.
- Dropdown menus for your loadout items for quick selection.
- An option to color code deployable and player contours.
- The ability to see the remaining charges of deployables in form of a text in the 3d environment.
- A custom player label panel which adds a health bar on top of your teammate's heads.
- A custom player health interface with interchangeable layouts to match your teammate's mugshot panels or look like RAIDs player health interface.
- A custom weapon panel design and the option to show magazine ammo on top of your unequiped weapon icons in the vanilla panel.
- A custom drop-in panel which supports the display of multiple players joining at once and has the option to show each player's equipped loadout plus the ability to see their installed gameplay changing mods.
- A ported version of PAYDAY 2's assault and point of no return panels.
- An option to show reload and shotgun fire timers on screen.
- This mod uses DAHM's hud module as a dependency, in order to use this hud you must have said module enabled.
- Deployable contours will not apply for some deployables if you drop-in after they were already placed and the host is not running DAHM.
- There may be some incompatibilities with WTFBM, I do not plan to develop compatibility with said hud.
- Dorentuz` - Assistance with development and the inclusion of specific changes in the framework so I could expand my mod.
- neonsynth - Testing, German localization.
- Sergeant Panda - Testing since early versions of the mod and making me go insane by finding the most nefarious bugs known to mankind.

Publish Date3 months ago
Last Updated2 months ago by
