I may update and add more hitmarkers and killmarkers
use this mod for MW2009 hitmarkers (use it with one of my variants of killmarkers cause it doesn't have killmarkers): https://modworkshop.net/mod/47384
the list of the mods:
BO4 headshot sound for killmarkers
MW2019 headshot sound for killmarkers
the length of them is limited and I can't make them longer as it will cut-off, that's why I prefer BO4 version as MW2019 doesn't feel as smooth but I may find a workaround by changing the speed of the sound at some point
If any of the sounds are too loud , I can fix it, BUT I need you to do smth for me, go in the settings, lower the SFX volume and tell me at what number is the hitmarker ok
that way , I'd know how loud to make the fixed versions :)
And if you wanna collab and add more cod related hitmarkers let me know (here's the code you need to change for kill-hitmarkers:183243636)
Special thanks to Wednesday Enthusiast for the audio codes, without the codes I wouldn't be able to make these mods :)