A standalone non-animated version of the Neptunia Phone Screen mod originally created by Yolo - https://modworkshop.net/mod/49082
All assets from the original mod are used with permission from the creator.
All this mod does is apply textures from Yolo's Neptunia Phone Screen mod to the default non-animated phone.
I really enjoyed the original mod, but animated phone screens aren't always guaranteed to load when you join a heist. My solution was to make this version as a fallback, so that I could have a Nep to stare at if the original hadn't loaded for whatever reason.
This mod will work alongside the original Neptunia Phone Screen mod, so you can have both installed at the same time with zero issues. That's how i've been using this mod.
Uploading this for anyone in a similar boat to myself, or if static phone screens are more your style!
If you enjoyed this mod, or would like a more interesting version, then please check out the original mod linked above. Yolo's version is cooler, anyways. :)