Brings in most weapon sounds from the Medal Of Honor games, namely Allied Assault as it was the easiest to work with and one from European Assault.
There were limitations, mainly various .stream files that contain other sounds. Which as of typing this isn't possible to edit due to Update 22 using 2022 Wwise version. Will change in the near future when an updated tool is released. Other limitation was sounds being re-used for multiple guns, namely: Nagant, Kar98, and Leefield but also DP28 and Vickers Bren. I like you less original LGL team :(
Very few .WEMs inside the .bnks could not be edited either, including bar reloads. Otherwise game freezes loading camp. Likely limitation of the tool used to import (Or just Diesel being poo cause that's it's favorite attitude)
Drop in mods folder, has optional folder for the European Assault Bar fire sounds that was audio stripped myself.
Tools used:
Ringing Bloom for it's NBNK editor, designed for Monster Hunter: World:
Wwise 2022 and
*10/23/24: This is WIP, still waiting on a tool to be updated for the 2022 .stream files