Senator Armstrong arrives in the payday 3 universe completely replacing all 3267 of Shade's voicelines. Please watch this video to preview audio quality. I have linked 4 different files. You can see below what they change. With everything installed, I believe mentions of Shade only exist in the mute contractor voice toggle and the story video cutscene images. This mod has been tested with no other mods installed.
SenatorArmstrongModV1.pak (All of Shade's voicelines have been run through a Senator Armstrong AI voice model)
SenatorArmstrongMenuV1.pak (Senator Armstrong has replaced Shade from the heist selection screen)
Movies.7z (Senator Armstrong replaces Shade's dialogue in the story videos. Very scuffed edit due to not knowing how audio editing works)
English Subtitles.7z (Senator Armstrong replaces Shade in the story videos subtitles dialogue)
This is my first mod ever and I do not know what I am doing, this would not exist without WednesdayEnthusiast's guides, downloads, etc. This mod is functional as of update 1.2.0. For later updates I will see if I have the time, but most likely if it happens it will be a voiceline update only.
@WednesdayEnthusiast (For this mod's existance)
@whereribbonsfly (Payday 3 audio)
@bence0585 (Bence's Uexp Utility)
Beretiful (Armstrong AI model)
Shirrako (Armstrong footage)
Alastair Duncan (Armstrong)
Kosha Engler (Shade)
Moolah Modding (Wwise pd3)
trumank (repak)
Rights notice:
I do not own anything, this is a free fan mod of Payday and Senator Armstrong.