This is a redesign for Meredith that switches her jacket for a sleeveless vest, which I think is more fitting for her personality. And I think she looks much cooler like this. :P
Currently this mod only changes textures, so it should be compatible with any mod except those that also change Meredith's textures and sprites. (Currently the only other mod to do this is Catgirl Meredith.)
Note that I'm really lousy at pixel art, so I'm sorry in advance if the new battle sprite's animation doesn't look too good, I tried my best. >.<
Other mods seen in the preview screenshots include Living World and Personal Invitation.
Known Issues:
Her overworld sprites seem to not have changed, meaning she still has her default long-sleeved jacket look in the overworld (i.e. outside battles). I have no idea how to fix this as everything I tried yielded no effects (including editing her data/characters/meredith.tres file, which I didn't bother including in this mod as it can yield more incompatibilities); if you know how to fix it, please let me know!
Her in-battle walking sprites are not changed because they're used exactly once in the entire game, last less than a second, and are very easily overlooked since it's likely obscured behind an UI, so I didn't bother changing them since re-spriting her battle arms was already enough of a pain for me.
Her talk portraits might show up a bit pixellated in-game. I tried my best to remedy this and they seem to show up mostly okay in-game for me, but I don't know if it'll also happen in other display resolutions.
Other Info:
The mod's source code(?)/assets are bundled in the download under the "source" folder.
Tags save file: No - Safe to remove
Tags netplay: No - Clientside only
This should still work in the multiplayer update once it comes out, I think.