Hello,this is Liangge!Now,Liangge's Map Pack is here!
Zuma Maps Stage 3:Fire Magic
<Graphics id="wand" curve="wand" image="wand" dispname="The Fire Wand" gx="371" gy="214">
<Sprite image="shadow" pri="2" x="0" y="0" />
<TreasurePoint x="538" y="119" dist1="20" />
<Graphics id="fire" curve="fire" image="fire" dispname="Fire Girl 33" gx="335" gy="273">
<Sprite image="shadow" pri="2" x="0" y="0" />
<TreasurePoint x="416" y="185" dist1="20" />
<TreasurePoint x="323" y="403" dist1="35" />
<Graphics id="fg" curve="fg" image="fg" dispname="Fire Girl 22" gx="403" gy="237">
<Sprite image="shadow" pri="2" x="0" y="0" />
<TreasurePoint x="349" y="117" dist1="20" />
<TreasurePoint x="286" y="286" dist1="30" />
<Graphics id="purple" curve="purple-1" curve2="purple-2" image="purple" dispname="Purple Blaze" gx="446" gy="292">
<Sprite image="shadow" pri="2" x="0" y="0" />
<TreasurePoint x="520" y="153" dist1="20" />
<TreasurePoint x="557" y="401" dist1="30" />
<Graphics id="vs" curve="vs" image="vs" dispname="Volcano Spiral" gx="316" gy="227">
<Sprite image="shadow" pri="2" x="0" y="0" />
<Cutout image="tunnel" pri="0" x="0" y="0" />
<TreasurePoint x="141" y="200" dist1="20" />
<Graphics id="tf" curve="tf-1" curve2="tf-2" curve3="tf-3" image="tf" dispname="Triple Fire" gx="409" gy="229">
<Sprite image="shadow" pri="2" x="0" y="0" />
<TreasurePoint x="51" y="323" dist1="20" />
<TreasurePoint x="179" y="226" dist1="30" />
<Graphics id="sun" curve="sun-1" curve2="sun-2" image="sun" dispname="Sun Fire" gx="364" gy="289">
<Sprite image="shadow" pri="2" x="0" y="0" />
<TreasurePoint x="523" y="279" dist1="20" />
<TreasurePoint x="174" y="307" dist1="30" />
<Graphics id="red" curve="red" image="red" dispname="Fire Gem" gx="314" gy="176">
<Sprite image="shadow" pri="2" x="0" y="0" />
<TreasurePoint x="222" y="378" dist1="20" />
<Level graphics="wand" progression="standard" />
<Level graphics="fire" progression="standard" />
<Level graphics="fg" progression="standard" />
<Level graphics="purple" progression="dual" />
<Level graphics="vs" progression="standard" />
<Level graphics="tf" progression="triple" />
<Level graphics="sun" progression="dual" />
<Level graphics="red" progression="standard" />
<Settings id="triple1" speed="0.10" start="20" score="500" />
<Settings id="triple2" speed="0.15" start="20" score="1000" />
<Settings id="triple3" speed="0.15" start="20" score="1500" />
<Settings id="triple4" speed="0.15" start="25" score="2000" />
<Settings id="triple5" speed="0.20" start="20" score="2500" />
<Settings id="triple6" speed="0.20" start="25" score="2750" />
<Settings id="triple7" speed="0.20" start="20" score="2800" />
<Settings id="triple8" speed="0.20" start="20" score="3000" />
<Settings id="triple9" speed="0.24" start="20" score="3125" slowfactor="3.5" />
<Settings id="triple10" speed="0.24" start="25" score="3175" slowfactor="3.5" />
<Settings id="triple11" speed="0.27" start="25" score="3300" slowfactor="3" />
<Settings id="triple12" speed="0.30" start="20" score="3500" slowfactor="3" />
<Settings id="triple13" speed="0.25" start="25" score="3500" slowfactor="2.5" powerfreq=2900 />
<Settings id="triple14" speed="0.25" start="20" score="3700" slowfactor="2.5" powerfreq=2800 />
<Settings id="triple15" speed="0.25" start="25" score="3800" slowfactor="2" repeat="42" powerfreq=2700 />
<Settings id="triple16" speed="0.25" start="20" score="3800" slowfactor="2" repeat="44" powerfreq=2600 />
<Settings id="triple17" speed="0.25" start="20" score="4100" slowfactor="1" repeat="46" powerfreq=2500 />
<Settings id="triple18" speed="0.25" start="20" score="4100" slowfactor="1" repeat="48" powerfreq=2400 />
<Settings id="triple19" speed="0.25" start="25" score="4100" slowfactor="1" repeat="50" powerfreq=2300 />
<Settings id="triple20" speed="0.20" start="25" score="4500" slowfactor="1" repeat="50" powerfreq=2200 />
<Settings id="triple21" speed="0.25" start="20" score="4700" slowfactor="1" repeat="50" powerfreq=2100 />
<Settings id="triple22" speed="0.20" start="25" score="4800" slowfactor="1" repeat="45" powerfreq=2500 />
<Settings id="triple23" speed="0.25" start="25" score="4900" slowfactor="1" powerfreq=2400 />
<Settings id="triple24" speed="0.50" start="30" score="5000" slowfactor="1" powerfreq=1500 />
Warning:You're not allowed to use my maps to your ZD Mod!Free Map Pack,no sell it!If you did it,Liangge'll hold you accountable.Because haved triple mode,copy the triple mode's code from triple.txt to levels.xml,or game will be faulted.
Thank you!