Take on a procedurally generated post-game dungeon, featuring:
- Four distinct biomes
- A new archangel
- New battle moves
- Plenty of side areas & secrets to discover!
Each run through the dungeon will temporarily start your party anew from level 5, you will have to build a new team and battle it through 16 floors to the end!
Head on down the bar that just opened up in Falldown Mall to get started...
Spoiler Warning
This is intended to be a post-game mod. It assumes, at the least, you have unlocked all members of your party.
You can still complete the mod before this, but certain lines of dialog may contain spoilers or reference events related to character quests.
Beta warning - Back up your saves!
This is a beta release of the mod. Due to the nature of the mod temporarily adjusting the state of your party and tape collection, you should back up your saves before using this mod. Skipping this step is done at your own risk.
Last tested against: V1.5 daily branch
This is mostly self contained, but overrides "Mall.tscn", so other mods that change this file will conflict.
Big shoutout to Bananathema for the Djinn & Sirenade overworld sprites & NCrafters for playtesting multiple versions.
See the full credits on github for more information.
Will I need to grind / Do I need X level before starting?
You always start from the same level each run, and encounters give far more exp than the base game. You shouldn't need to grind every encounter on every level, in fact you can probably skip most. You will probably be underleveled by the end, but you should have found plenty of powerful stickers and monsters to help you turn the tables by this point!
Why does the floor sometimes reset if I load a save?
A snapshot of your current party is saved after entering each floor. When you load a save on floor X it will look like you are entering floor X for the first time - only progress within that floor isn't kept. This is down to a limitation of what I can reliably do in the mod without making intrusive changes to the saving code. The run is seeded and will still play out the same way after a save & load. You can save at any time in a rest and side area too.
What does the adjective before the floor name mean?
It means the floor might be a bit different than usual, the rest is spoilers!