So, a few days ago, I noticed this mod by Schmuddel and I thought it was cool, but I noticed it was in a different format compared to other mods, which meant it couldn't be used with DAHM/DorHUD. However, after I compared the files to other mods and did some quick file experimentation, I was able to make the mod fully compatible with DAHM/DorHUD! For those unfamiliar, here's how this mod works:
With this mod, Sentry Guns will no longer target Shields from the front, their reaction time is much faster, they will be considerably less likely to shoot at enemies whom they will not actually damage (i.e. not behind cover or windows), and their targeting priority is streamlined and based on distance. The result is sentries that are much more combat effective, reactive, and less prone to burn through what little ammo they have.
Additionally, if the sentry has not been destroyed, you can replenish some of its ammo and repair some of its armor by hitting it with your melee. With every hit, 1/5th of the sentry's armor and ammo is restored to it at the cost of 1/10th of your current weapon's ammo (for those doing the math, that means it takes 50% of the ammo of your current weapon to fully repair or replenish a sentry). If the amount of ammo in your current weapon is below 1/10th of your maximum possible ammo amount, you cannot repair/replenish the sentry (You can tell you have successfully done so if the sentry beeps).