Renames the fake weapons names to their real counterparts.
Supports Skills custom styles (<Skills1>, <Skills2>, <Skills3>).
The project is meant to be multi-language.
- zRealWeaponModNamesMulti_P.pak
- zRealWeaponModNamesSkillsMulti_P.pak
- zRealWeaponNamesMulti_P.pak
- zRealWeaponNamesSkillsMulti_P.pak
Variant | Weapon Names | Weapon Mod Names | Support for colored text Skills | Dependencies |
zRealWeaponModNamesMulti_P.pak | Yes | Yes (EN only) | No | No |
zRealWeaponModNamesSkillsMulti_P.pak | Yes | Yes (EN only) | Yes | Yes (1) |
zRealWeaponNamesMulti_P.pak | Yes | No | No | No |
zRealWeaponNamesSkillsMulti_P.pak | Yes | No | Yes | Yes (1) |
Install only 1 variant of this mod!
You don't know which variant of the mod to pick: use zRealWeaponNamesMulti_P.pak
(1) - A mod with custom Text Styles should be installed, otherwise you will see strange skills description ingame, like <Skills2>GRIT</> or <Skills3>EDGE</>. I suggest to download ColoredSkillsTextStyles from Colored Skills Description - Updated mod (the optional download).
Game version
This mod is compatible with game patch 2.0.1 (Jacket Character Pack).
Using this mod with different game versions might bring to untranslated text.
Be patient for future game patch mod compatibility.
This mod is available as addon for Sydch's UI.
Specific .pak available in Downloads section.
- localize weapon mods to all cultures
- find a solution for the known compatibility issues
Known compatibility issues
This mod might not be compatible alongside other mods that changes any text on the screen, making this mod or the other mod not fully working.
Compatibility issues may raise if installed alongside Colored Buffs, Continental Coins, Useful Descriptions or any other mod that changes the Game.locres files.
The game loads the mods according to a PAK order logic.
When more than one mod changes the same file, the file contained in the PAK with higher priority wins, discarding the changes on the same file made by lower priority PAKs.
- Internet Movie Firearms Database ( for weapon names.
- Superb Soap (, for Syntax Error DLC, Boys in Blue DLC, Houston Breakout, Fear and Greed weapon names and all mod names.
- korethis, for Syntax Error DLC, Houston Breakout weapon names.
- azzoriff, for reviewing Boys in Blue DLC weapon names
This is an edit of:
- by Nelly
- by HW12Dev