This mod adds a new widget in the Preplanning phase, allowing you to switch the soundtrack of the heist you will play to any of the available soundtracks. (Kind of like PAYDAY 2's Jukebox feature).
With update 1.2, Jukebox now supports custom soundtracks. Tutorial coming soon(tm)
The chosen soundtrack is saved between heists, so you dont have to always go and select the soundtrack again.
Requires Moolah Mod Loader to work.
Huge thank you to Wednesday for the UI !
Source code is available here:
NOTE: If you select Road Rage or Rock The Cradle, there will be no music in the stealth phase of the heist. This is fine for RTC, because it has no stealth music (nightclub music is handled by the level). However, unsure what is happening with Road Rage.
Known issue: The buttons to switch soundtracks require double clicking. I don't know why it does that, I can't have it work on single clicks. Will eventually update if someone has an idea of why this happens.
Crash issue: Some people reported to me that the mod crashed the game at boot. If this happens to you, make sure you are using the latest release of Moolah Mod Loader.