Welcome to the Cassette Arena!
Located inside the Town Hall, we offer a selection of rule sets to play against a vast array of rangers. Keep up your win streak and receive fun prizes!
Speak the the Arena Attendant to register for one of the many cups.
The Cassette Arena is intended to as post-game content and requires the following post-game quest lines be completed:
||* Training Frankie 1
- Training Vin 1||
Arena Types
There are 4 rule sets that will affect the tapes the you can use and the tapes your opponents will use:
- Debut Arena - This only allows tapes that have not been remastered, but do have a remaster form they can access.
- Remasters Arena - This only allows tapes that have been fully remastered. Tapes that do not have access to a remastered form don't qualify here.
- Mix Tapes Arena - This allows any kind of tape to be used.
- Bootleg Arena - This allows only Bootleg tapes.
- Custom Arena - This arena is for the custom rangers only. It requires you have at least 2 valid ranger files in your archive folder (noted below in the section for trainee recruitment)
Battle Formats
Each arena has the option to select a battle format to play in. Currently the following are available:
- Doubles - This is the game's standard 2v2 format.
- Triples - This is a 3v3 format where you can choose a 3rd partner from a list of presets or any of the custom made trainees
Rental Tapes
All rule sets will give you the option to use 6 Rental Tapes from a generated pool of 12. Rental tapes will be generated based on the following:
- Only forms you have previously recorded will be available
- Only 12 tapes are generated at a time, a new set is generated each time you start over progress in that arena.
- Tapes are generated with their standard initial move set and any rank up moves up to the first 5 stars.
- Each sticker has a chance of being replaced with another random move in that form's move pool.
- Each sticker has a chance of being an upgraded rarity.
Just swap your selected tapes over to your team column and confirm when ready. All tapes are legal by the rule set established in each arena!
Rental tapes cannot be customized in any way. You can decide the party order in the selection screen at registration or tape deck review screen between rounds.
Personal Tapes
All rule sets will allow you to bring your own customized tapes to use. Using your own tapes works as follows:
- Have your tapes in your party at the time of registration.
- These tapes still need to meet the requirements of that rule set and will be inspected before hand.
- If the tapes meet the criteria for that arena's rule set, a copy of those tapes will be recorded for registration.
- Editing your tapes after they have been registered will not affect the copied tapes used in the arena.
The Cassette Arenas has 47 rangers divided into 3 categories:
- Trainees - Some fresh upstarts looking to make their way in New Wirral. They use a mostly random, but sometimes themed collection of tapes.
- Rangers - A few familiar faces from your adventures. These use a Signature Tape and random selections from their assigned pool.
- Captains - Your fellow Captains. Some adjusted slightly, but mostly keeping with their original themes and strategies.
- Recruits - Your own personalized recruits, designed and setup your way through the Trainee Recruitment Program.
Rangers will team up in random pairs, shuffling around every match to keep you guessing!
Trainee Recruitment Program
The Trainee Recruitment Program is a customization option for creating your own rangers to fight in the arenas.
By speaking with the Arena Attendant you will find the option for Trainee Recruitment, there you can decide to recruit a trainee and begin customizing them with:
- Appearance
- Dialog used in the Arena
- Character Bio
- Tapes used
- Stickers used on tapes - Stickers can be set to use any compatible effect
- Set a tape as their Signature Tape (Gives them the 10% stat buff for using that tape.)
Review these recruits at any time by asking your Arena Attendant.
Shareable Recruits
The rangers you recruit through the program will generate a shareable JSON file in your game's user directory. You can give these files to your friends for them to play with in their own arena. All you have to do to use these shared recruits in your game is place their JSON file inside the arena_archives
folder created in your user directory.
You can find your user directory in:
- Windows (Steam):
- Windows (MS Store, Game Pass):
- Linux:
Note: the Linux path may vary based on your Linux system.
- You are rewarded with 4 fused material per round + a bonus reward every other round depending on your total win streak in that arena. Losing a match will reset your win streak in that arena back to 0 or you can manually reset the win streak yourself by speaking to the Arena Attendant.
- Tested on V1.5
- Safe to remove
- Waveform shader effect in the VS transition screen by pend00
- bananatoast - design assistance
Source Code