Signature Status gives Decibelle and Cat-5 consistent ways to apply % Health-based status effects, the way other Signatures can.
Decibelle gains the "cooking" and "weather" tags, granting it access to "Scorch" (a reliable source of Burned) and a few other nifty tools, and Cat-5 gains the "metal" tag, which gives it access to "Iron Filings", and a lot of other thematic moves. With this mod, Cat-5 can get Sharp Edges, and Decibelle can get Fog, which just feels right imo.
(Originally this mod was going to give Decibelle the "support" tag, but even I know when to hold back a little lmao)
(if you want your partners to have a little additional Oomph, check out my other mod, Better Partners!)
Kuneko Update:
I... kinda prefer base Kuneko's sprite and animations to Shining Kuneko's, tbh
but base Kuneko's stats are so low and unspecialized that, like, you gotta remaster her
This mod gives base Kuneko kind of a fighting chance - each of her base stats are bumped up by 10, from 115 to 125. This still gives her a total statline below that of Signatures and Starters, but she can be viable to keep as-is.
This mod also grants her and her remaster the "Spirit", "Righteous", and "Healer" tags, granting her a bit of extra versatility that stays on-theme. She can be your angle or yuor devil, after all!
(man, i am soooo sad we don't get kuneko's voicelines when we take on her form. someone plz figure out how to mod that in lmao)
Pombomb Update, and Mod Fusion!
This update increases Spitzfyre's baseline stats to better keep pace with other Signatures, bringing Spitzfyre's baseline stat total from 730 to 760. The Pombomb line is also granted at least one unique move! "Fakeout" is a high-accuracy melee attack that uses the ranged attack stat, allowing Pombomb/Spitzfyre to act as a mixed attacker and bypass ranged defenses.
This mod is completely save-safe; upon uninstalling, stickers introduced by this mod should simply vanish, opening up for new stickers any slots they used to occupy.
For the sake of convenience, all component mods - Signature Status Decibelle and Cat-5, Signature Statsup Kuneko, and SIgnature Status Pombomb, have been compiled into one "fusion" mod.
If you wish to pick and choose portions of the mod to use, though, you still can! Individual pck files for Cat-5/Decibelle, Kuneko/Shining Kuneko, and Pombomb/Spitzfyre can be found here: Individual