Increases the Fused Matrial obtained from all sources to 10, some remain unchanged like fusions found in chests in caves.
Increases the stickers obtained from boosters to 5 and other sources to 2/always upgraded
Stickers obtained via tape upgrade remain unchanged.
Archangels now give a chance at an Optical Laser Tape or Ritual Candle.
All booster packs have had their costs changed. Each costs 5000 Pulp now.
Adds three new booster packs to the Vending Machine in the Ranger Outpost. Each costs 5000 pulp and 100 metal.
Offence - has all offensive stickers
Support- has all support stickers
Passive- has all passive stickers
Ranger Exchange has had some changes as well.
Max Gym points is now 200.
Merchant Discount is increased to 20 (50% discount total)
NOTE: You will not see Beast specific moves. ONLY that Beast is the source of the move. So far, changing that is difficult or not possible.
Your Ranger Board might bug up if you go too far over the limit of required Fused Material. Unlock the board ASAP.