Looking for some deals?
Window Shopping has you covered! this mod adds a spell/wand reroller and a selling point. Got old wands you don't need? Excess amounts of spells from wands you picked up just for their stats? Sell em to the holy mountain for profit!* Also included is a new wand pricing system, based on stats rather then depth, free of charge! Well, expect for the fact that you still have to buy the wands.
Configuration is available for changing the locations of machines and changing how much you get for selling. You may also disable the new wand pricing system, although it may break balance with the seller. We now stock potions in holy mountains too? Fancy a drink of Concentrated Mana? Only $400! How about Lava? 5 or more potions are sold in every holy mountain.
*May be unbalanced. Please provide feedback. Can be disabled in config.
Please let me know if there are any incompatibility issues with this mod and another.
Currently this mod is somewhat experimental, things will likely change a lot. Detailed changes to pricing formulas or other features will be in changelogs when the updates happen. Please provide feedback on the new wand pricing system.
Feature List
- Spell and Wand reroller. Can reroll spells/wands on the floor to turn them into new shop items. Can be relocated in config.
- Wand Pricing System
- Seller. Sell wands/spells for gold! You can also hold or drop potions in it to empty them, although you dont get any money for doing so.
- Extra shop row config. Disabled by default.
- Potion shop. Buy potions in holy mountains.