Merry Christmas Heisters, I am aware that the mod is not finished I really wanted it to be special in some way, it was supposed to come out last year only Heat Street, but when checking the game files, it turned out that one texture file can be used by many heists, I hope you will like this version and i left something for PDTH community in Overdrill Vault, wish you all a merry christmas and a happy new year!! <3
a little changelog:
- Textures from "Snow on Counterfeit" getting fixed no longer latex effect also included in this project.
1.02b patch notes:
- fixed light effect on shelter wall on Counterfeit heist
- fixed radio also on CTF heist now music play again
- changed enviroment on CTF, (it's too light for some ppl)
- Added Xmas song to FWB radio (Shakin' Stevens - Merry Christmas Everyone) (MA3IO3IK idea thanks bro)
- thanks to greater compression, the file weight has been reduced by almost half :feelsgoodman:
Thanks for feedback Zneix and MA3IO3IK
Installation guide:
It's simple just use Bundle Modder .
and if you want snow instead of rain just use my mod to change this (This mod is included in zip file with Frozen mod).
How to install mods?
if you have already downloaded mods in .pdmod format
open your Bundle Modder point to the assets folder of the PDTH game, if you have already done that go to the mods tab in the lower left corner you have the "Add Mod(s)" button press it search for your mod, select it press open, it should show up in the list then check the box next to the modification name and press "Apply Changes"
I recommend make a backup of the original assets folder content, because sometimes the files can get corrupted.