This mod gives you access to ARDYN in main game. Anywhere, Anytime. (and with Ifrit or its no fun).
A different FF15 experience.
Ardyn mod just got a major update. You can now customize your party members on the go with a menu ingame.
You'll be able to finally use ALL Ardyn moveset: basic attacks, Royal Arms, Spectral Charge, Dark Tornado, Cerberus 0, Shadowstep, Phantom fade, Counterosmosis, Phantasmal leap, Royal retribution AND Rising Phantom. Ardyn will be in Overdrive (all battles start with 12 phantom arms, and will refill over time. Jumped attacks are also enhanced).
You won't have access to daemonifying on this version.
You will be able to summon Ifrit and use Firaga, Meteor Strike, Flames of rage and even Hellfire (though this one is just for visuals).
How? EASY.
1/Launch the game with the mod Ardyn_mod_V2
2/ Load a save, you'll have your party with Ardyn (only) from start.
3/ Open main menu, then open and close "Icons" sub-menu (It's the menu that gives you explanations of ingame icons. Please refer to images if needed)
- All skills, levels, and actions (press summon Button to use Phantasmal leap) will be unlocked
You want all Ardyn's hats and magitek boosters (MP 0 cost x99) too?
3'/ Open and close Chocobo Rental Menu (no need to rent a Chocobo) to get all of it.
4/ You can now Open a menu to change party members, anytime:
- Open main menu
- Open Archives menu
- Open either one of the menus inside to change your leader/party:
Photos: Ardyn (alone).
Dishes: Ardyn + Ifrit Guest
Fishes: Ardyn + Gladio + Ignis + Prompto
Bestiary: Ardyn + Noctis + Gladio + Ignis
Dossiers: Noctis + Ignis + Prompto + Ardyn
Datalog: Noctis + Ignis + Gladio + Prompto
- Ardyn + Noctis + Gladio + Ignis party is the most stable. I recommend to start as Ardyn, switch to this party (BESTIARY), to "call" Noctis. Dont switch to Ardyn (alone) party to Noctis as leader if Noctis is not around, it will load Noctis from his last known position. You can change party almost anytime, but don't overuse it).
- To fix Ardyn Status menu not being visible (HP/MP bar), change party: open Ardyn + Ifrit, he will get his HP/MP. Switch back to Ardyn alone right after if you wish to.
- Hit counts (combos) will not be visible while playing Ardyn. Combos are still increasing though. Once you think you have reached 100hits, try to use Rising Phantom (once you get used to it you'll know when you reach 100 hits).
- You'll get access to Ardyn Nexus (Ability tree/ Descencion). Open the last line of nodes to get extra HP/MP.
This mod can be used anywhere. (be careful to save before using it, and use it at your own risk). Please read Instructions before use :p
It is a WIP. I hope it redeems (a little) Ardyn and the way he was treated through the whole game :/
Made with the new modding tool and mod manager Flagrum that replaces all other mod tools for the game with a single tool. Supports automatic backups, and managing of your files. *Version 1.2+ required