Party Leader change to Gladio/Ignis/Prompto, Anywhere&Anytime with main menu.
You've always wanted to run around and chill with the bros, fight, and not having to change back to the character you want to play after every fight?
Now you can.
This mod allows you to:
Change to Gladiolus/Ignis/Prompto anytime, just by opening a menu.
How? EASY.
Open main menu
Open Archives menu
Open either one of the menus inside to pick your leader:
Photos: Gladio
Dishes: Ignis
Fishes: Prompto
Bestiary: Noctis (solo)
Dossiers: Original party
Close it: the character of your choice will be at your command as party leader.
They might be buggy at first, so here to fix it:
Enter battle, enter a fight once, swap to another character, and swap back to your leader, you'll have access to their battle mode fully.
No bound to any chapter, should work everywhere, even in battle :)
Please read Dependencies & Instructions TAB for further explanation.
Made with the new modding tool and mod manager Flagrum that replaces all other mod tools for the game with a single tool. Supports automatic backups, and managing of your files. To download Flagrum: