Always back up saves!
Run around Lucis freely the character you want. Play their fighting style and never worry about Noctis trying to take over after every fight.
Based on Luthus Nox Fleuret's: Playable EPA Ardyn
(why can't I upload photos here, invalid format supposedly?!)
Use Flagrum to intall from .zip
Can only have one loaded at onces
Using Chapter Select to chose Chapter 6 you can swap the playable character to any of the three brothers by chosing their file. The mod only changes which characters load in which position on load of Chapter 6. Upon reloading a save with this mods effects enabled, the animations of your chosen character will likely break(see * at the bottom of notes). Basically your movement will be stiff, and will be unable to do things like jump or fight effectively.
This works with Rinual's Unlocked Guest Charcters
- You can use characters abilities as if you has chosen them mid-combat. Cannot swap to Noctis
- Noctis seems to have lazy AI outside of combat and fairly aggressive combat AI in comparison.
- If a quest switches main character to Noctis
you can save and reload afterward to return to chosen characteryour chosen character will be overridden. Although a reload returns character you'll have broken animations permermantly... (not sure how to fix yet) - Driving works but animations sometimes temp break on vehicle exit(see end)
- picking items up works
- chocobo wistle breaks animations and cannot use chocobo that summons (sometimes softlocks me anyway)(see end)
- shops use soft locks you
- the cutscenes I've seen work, sometimes camera switches to noctis, other times just focuses on him
**animation fixed by entering combat and switching character once using ingame character swapper (LB+LT on controller)
If you have issues please tell me what they are. This modification IS incomplete and much more can be done to improve it.