Mods Menu
Mods Menu
Library that adds a category in the options for mods.
How to implement it in your mods
- Make a reference to this .dll in your project.
- Add the dependency in your plugin declaration.
public class Plugin : BaseUnityPlugin
Add a RegisterOptionsEvt bloc somewhere your startup code. It will be launched when the menu is created in-game.
ModsMenu.RegisterOptionsEvt += (_, _) =>
Inside it, you may add your mod option(s):
ModsMenu.TryAddOption( PluginInfo.PLUGIN_NAME, // <- Your plugin name. Make it short as it will be displayed next to your option's name. (string, required) "Enabled", // <- Name of your option. (string, required) () => $"{_isEnabled.Value}", // <- How your value will be displayed next to your option name. (Func<string>, required) // Optional parameters below onValueChangeFunc: (direction) => _isEnabled.Value = !_isEnabled.Value, // <- If it's not null, it will show the two arrows next to the option, allowing the user to increase/decrease or switch the value. direction is an int that indicates if the left or right arrow was used. (Action<int>, defaults: null) possibleValuesFunc: () => listOfValues, // <- If it's not null, when the user selects an option, a popup will appear with the returned values so the user can select one. (Func<List<string>>, default: null) onValueSelectFunc: (newValue) => _isEnabled.Value = bool.Parse(newValue), // <- Used with possibleValuesFunc. What happens when the user selects a value from the popup. newValue is always a string so you need to make appropriate manipulations if it's another type. (Action<string>, default: null) determineDisabledFunc: () => _isGlobalEnabled.Value, // <- If it's not null, it will be checked to see if we need to disable the option. (Func<bool>, default: null) disabledInGameMenu: false, // <- Is the modification disabled in a game (not in the main menu) (bool, default: false) setDefaultValueFunc: () => _isEnabled.Value = false // <- If it's not null, it will be executed when the player selects the Defaults button. (Action, default: null) );
Bugs and suggestions
If you encounter any bugs, or have suggestions, please open an issue at, or contact Eradev#1842 in the Monster Sanctuary Discord.

Publish Date3 years ago
Last Updated3 years ago

