WARNING: This is a legacy version.
The latest iteration (can be found here) works entirely within safemode framework which resulted in a removal of some features (most notably - there's now pretty much no off-brand controller support, only proper xbox-ready devices will function as expected), so choose wisely.
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For dreamed we had wings like a dove;
And we had gilded wings in that dream;
But when we waked, to our sorrow,
We found them but feathers, and we were
Bare as we came from the womb.
You are listening to the Northmost Vector Brainwave. I can't really tell but it seems that you have reached the end of this episode of the show. You know what to do now, don't you? Just press the red button on the right side of your keyboard. And remember: Prospero Inc.
But first let's have a listen to your first official sponsor, the {DATA REMOVED} Prospero Inc.!
We are delighted to present you the latest entry in the M-Néé {DATA REMOVED} and other implants! And what is the most important thing in the Universe? The answer is simple - MONEY! And here, at Prospero Inc., we are proud to offer you the best way to spend it. We will provide you with the opportunity to make your dreams come true. What is your dream? A new {R}? New {C}? Or maybe a nice {LEFT_ALT+H}? It doesn't matter what you want, because Prospero Inc.
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It's a general purpose custom inputs framework designed to provide advanced and centralized control over the key bindings. Does include gamepad support now.
Nothing by itself but everything if utilized within another mod. (Note: M-Néé must always stay at the top of the mod list)
Use {LEFT_CTRL+M} to access the main menu.
For basic real case usage example check init.lua; files/scripts/gun_controller.lua and mnee.lua from this mod. For an actual documentation see DOC.txt within the mod files.
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Special thanks to Pyry for the badass keyboard hack and to Ancient for making me realize that it's actually real.