Replaces Blasphemy with new artwork. Many different swords to choose from!
(Check images for a visual list.)
Beamsaber - Inspired by Megaman Zero's Zetsabre
Buster Sword 1 - Cloud's Sword in Final Fantasy.
Buster Sword 2 - Cloud's Sword in Kingdom Hearts.
Debaser - Inspired by a sword from Elderscrolls.
Diamond Sword - Inspired by Minecraft.
Excalibur - Based on the Excalibur gun.
Golden Sword - Everyone loves gold! Matches the Bullet well.
Gun Nut Sword - Based on the Gun Nut's weapon.
Hero Sword - Based on cut content art for the original Blasphemy design.
Master Sword 1 - Inspired by a mix of unused Gungeon sprites and Zelda's Master Sword.
Master Sword 2 - The Master Sword from Zelda.
Rainbow Razor - Inspired by the Rainbow Sword in Chrono Trigger.
Relic Blade - Based on the sword in the Guide's Past.
Ruby Sword - Inspired by a old brazilian MMO called Tibia.
Vorpal Sword - Based on the Vorpal Bullets item.
If anyone would like to use or edit the sprites for their own mod or custom character, feel free to do so, just credit me somewhere and I'll be happy.☺️
(Due to the 10 file limit on modworkshop, all of the swords are in one download file)
(Requires Mod the Gungeon
To install, open the main .zip file, pick a sword and extract that sword's .zip file to
…\steamapps\common\Enter the Gungeon\Resources\Sprites
(You may need to create the folders if they do not already exist.)
To uninstall, remove the files.