Madeline - Custom Character
Madeline Strawberry Thorson, bored of mountain climbing, arrives at the Gungeon.
Madeline is a high-speed but fragile hunter-like with an extra-spicy dodgeroll.
Madeline isn't really a familiar gungeoneer, and suffers reduced accuracy and SIGNIFICANTLY longer reload times. Also yes, she only has 1 health. Despite this, she's extremely maneuverable and can land some heavy hits with the bow, and can even instantly kill weak bullet kin with a dodgeroll.
- Makarov
- Bow
- Heavy boots
- Springheel boots
- 1 Base Heart container
- Reduced Accuracy
- 80% longer reload times
- 20% faster dodgeroll and double-roll
- 6x dodgeroll damage
- Increased movement speed
- Won't slip or take recoil
- Be careful starting out, as one bad room can be game over!
- Always remember you have springheel boots, make good use of the double-jump!
- Getting in the face of enemies is common with her low accuracy, but give yourself enough space to react to sudden gunfire!
- Master rounds are a must, Make good use of her movement and don't get hit on bosses!
- By using the bow and dodge-rolling you can achieve very high dps early game, but be careful about rolling into enemies with too much health!
- Madeline can clear floor 1 very quickly, so don't feel too bad about restarting!
- Don't use flash ray because you will not hit anything ever!
To do
-Adjustments on existing sprites
-Balancing, more interesting loadout
-Alternate port for Celeste-style death shot (the normal one is more fun)

Publish Date4 years ago
Last Updated4 years ago
