awesome banner thanks to Skilotar_ (:
yes, the thumbnail was made with A.R.R.G. thx an3s
source code here
download cactus's characters! probably the only good use case of this mod. here. also a good place for character makers to see examples of a recolor module.
Live recolor mod allows you to recolor and customize gungeon characters on the fly. it also has support for any custom characters that will implement an extra step. details on how to make your cc compatible with this mode at the bottom.
hold down the interact (E on keyborad) button while in game (not in the breach, inside the actual run) to toggle the recolor menu. you can interact with the different options using up/down/left/right directions. hold left or right keys to auto scroll.
the different options are as follows :
body part: the body part youre gonna change the color of (for example skin, or shirt)
red:, green:, blue : the different color values youre assigning the body part. changes to this will change the characters color!
color tinting : <off>/<on> a way to toggle the recolor on a character. if the colors are messed up or you just want to turn it off for a second toggle this off
now we are getting to the second main feature of the mod, emissive mode. emissive mode lets you select a body part and make it glow. emissive mode and recolor mode are independent of one another
emissive mode : <on>/<off> emission toggle
emissive body part : the body part you want to make glow. note that emission is actually based on color, so if you you have 2 different parts the same or very similiar colors both will glow.
emissive sensitivity : basically, if you have 2 similiar colors both will glow. this value determines how similiar they have to be in order for both of them to glow. smaller number = more accurate targeting. 0 will be no glow.
emissive power/color power : values for changing the amount of glow and how much color is in there. i reccomend playing around with it.
misc options
restore defaults : will restore the original colors and settings and let you start from the beggining.
restore shader : in the case somehow the recolor stops working, try using this to restore the shader.
burn amount : another special effect, should be between 0 and 1. i recommend playing around with it
mod currently has color data for all base gungeon characters except the cultist and paradox. currantly tinting for the bullet character is broken so i reccomend turning off the tint option and playing with emissive only. currently there is no support for alt skins, so i reccomend just turning off both emissive and tint if playing on alt skin.
bug reports are welcome, but im gonna get busy soon so i might not be able to fix them.
for CC makers. if you want this mod to recognize your character you need to have an additional file in your character data folder called recolordata.txt
there is an example file with additional instructions that you can download