this is a collection of some (but not all) of the mutators i have made for DAHM.
mutator_35_cops: does what it says on the tin. ups the spawn cap to 35 on all difficulties.
mutator_bank_spawns: allows dozers and shields to spawn from the windows and skylights in the bank, as well as the elevators in the vault hallway. does not affect the second office building's window spawns.
mutator_diamond_heist_roof_SO_fix: a bugfix mutator to fix shields and dozers getting trapped and isolated on the roof access rooftop spawn near the PR department on floor 22.
mutator_dozer_cap_increase: does what it says on the tin. up to 2 bulldozers can be active at a time, on 193+, this is upped to 3 bulldozers, as 193+ increases the bulldozer cap to 2 normally.
mutator_enemies_dont_reload: have you ever played PAYDAY 3 and noticed that enemies don't reload ever and went "man, i wish this ''feature'' was in PAYDAY: The Heist!" this mutator achieves the "no reloading" simulation by jacking up the RELOAD_SPEED values for all weapon handling used by enemies, TeamAI is NOT affected by this.
mutator_faster_enemies: makes enemies move faster. you can no longer outrun cloakers.
mutator_fwb_faster_police_response: police will arrive more accurately to the countdown the heisters use.
mutator_green_bridge_access: shields, dozers, and other non-acrobatic units can spawn from the spawns near the 3rd and 4th convoy trucks, and from the ground level inside the scaffolding you push the escort into.
mutator_heat_street_access: allows shields, dozers, and other non-acrobatic units to spawn from behind the riot fences at inkwell, as well as behind the brick wall behind inkwell, and in the back alley you push matt through, and the riot fences at the top of armitage ave near the overkill cola sign.
mutator_jules_experience: jacks up the spawn cap to an absurd value. uses pre-difficulty/sniper beta values for hard and overkill (56 and 72) and post-difficulty/sniper beta values for 145+ and 193+ (84 and 108) also jacks up the special spawn caps and global special spawn cap to function similarly to PD2.
mutator_panic_room_access: allows shields, dozers, and other non-acrobatic units to spawn from behind the brick walls in the alley. also allows them to spawn on the rooftops.
mutator_panic_room_spawns: enables rooftop spawns when the 4 saws finish instead of when the C4 you placed above the panic room goes off.
mutator_pd2_spawnweights: uses PD2's spawnweights pre-housewarming update.
mutator_sla_spawns: enables an unused containeryard slaughterhouse roof spawn. there IS one used normally, but it effectively requires you to spawncamp 3 different spots for anyone to spawn up there.
mutator_slaughterhouse_access: allows shields, dozers, and other non-acrobatic units to spawn from the scaffolding in the staff kitchen, and on top of the containers in the container yard. enjoy your surprise kitchen bulldozer.
mutator_sstash_serverrom_window_spawns: another bugfix mutator, this time fixing up the ground floor plank window spawns not re-enabling themselves when you break the planks on the windows.
mutator_str_spawns: enables 2 unused armitage ave spawnpoints, by the building that spawns 2 shields and 2 heavy SWATs next to the taxi, and the building next to the SWAT van by the green scaffoldings on the right.
mutator_suburbia_faster_truck_spawns: lowers the interval on all the SWAT truck spawns to 2s.
To enable mutators, go into the heist selection menu, and press ENTER on the difficulty selection. some mutators may not show up if you aren't playing on a difficulty they are meant for.