give hunter:captain_flintlock is the command for the gun.
A tier
the gun launches a parrot, when the parrot hits a wall, a ship spawns under the player and takes him to where the parrot hit, enemies sailed by are then eaten by sharks, the player is invulnerable, doesn't fall into pits and is immune to fall damage for a short while after stopping. Occasionally the parrot will make irl parrot cry
Sons Of Liberty synergy w/ one of teapot, ballot, crown of guns, double vision : the player leaves behind a trail of crates that bob in the water, when shot they explode into a burst of tea leaves
Cannon Crew synergy w/ one of corsair, dueling pistol, blunderbuss, serious cannon : while sailing the player shoots radial burst of cannonballs
Kaliber's Trench synergy w/ abyssal tentacle, high kaliber, yellow chamber, cursed bullets,
or holey grail: the water goop becomes dark purple and lasts twice as long, enemies stepping in it are eaten by tentacles short afterwards