Have you ever wanted to feel an attachment to the gundead you kill by the masses? To know their names, to feel their story?
well then this mod is for you! Adds over 500 unique "names"* to every gundead!*
now with over 10000 first and 10000 suranems allowing for hundreds of thousands of combinations! HUGE thanks to nevernamed for providing me with this insane amount of names
most small part of the names were created by tired modders. i do not take responsabilty for any of the names.*
there 3 commands that give you more control over how the names look
namer:namesize <any positive number> this command will change the size of names
namer:opacityamount <number between 0 and 1> this command takes a number anywher from 0 to 1
1: completly visible, 0: completly see thorugh
namer:addname <anything you type really> allows you to add names. names are not permenant, and will reset upon closing and re-entering the game
you cant have 2 of the same name
P.S, it is possible to change the names by editing the .txt file inside the zip, but i will not be providing technical support on that one so dont ask me please.