this mod is heavily wip and bugs are to be expected please report any you find
Some items in this mod require gungeon go brrr 1.2.2+ to work properly if you want to full experince of this mod make sure you have it installed
This mod adds a new floor, a new boss, a new character and a handful of items and guns
Beyond Master Round (SPECIAL): Its a master round im sure you can figure it out
Lost Robe (SPECIAL): Makes items from this mod 10x more likely to show up (this effect will be changed in a later update)
Fractured Rounds (D): Bullets deal half damage but hit twice
Carpet Burn (C): Caues enemies standing on carpet to catch fire
Beyond Sentry (C): Fires a beam a nearby enemies (can be pet)
Beyond Battery (C): Gives a 10% chance for actives to not consume a charge
Stairway (B): At the start of each floor a ladder will spawn if interacted with it will take you to a shop that allows you to trade guns for items (npc for the shop lacks polish sorry about that)
Lightning Rounds (A): Bullets have a chance to spawn chain lightning when destroyed
Void Ammolet (A): Blanks no longer destroy bullets instead a ring of projectiles are fired that destroy projectiles these projectiles also gain the effect of other ammolets (currently only works for base game ammolets and a small handful of modded ones this will be fixed at a later date)
Otherworldly Fury (B): When held spawns 3 orbitals that upon the activation of this item fire beams
Spin Down Dice (S): Rerolls items by lowering thier id by 1
Lost Sidearm (SPECIAL) [Semi Auto]: Fire projectiles that deal 5 damage
Beyond Smg (B) [Full Auto]: Fires projectiles that deal 3.5 damage but will overheat and set the player on fire if fired for to long without stopping
Hell's Revolver (B) [Charge]: Fires projectiles that deal 9 damage and can be charged to fire a piercing beam that deals 30 damage
Beyond Sniper (A) [Semi Auto]: Fires a projectile that deals 30 damage and gains a 1.5x damage multiplier for hitting an enemy in the upper quarter of the hitbox
Nail Minigun (S) [Full Auto]: Fires nails that deal 4 damage and after reloading fires a magnet that will cause nails to home to it the magnet can also be destroyed by shooting it causing nails to fly in all directions
Judgmemt (S) [Semi Auto]: A melee weapon that deals 45 damage per hit and destroys projectiles, after 3 swings the player is launched forward along with gaining temporary contact damage immunity reloading will resets the amount of swings needed before the dash
Salvation (S) [Charge]: Similar to the prototype railgun but with higher damage and a longer reload
Wand (S) [Burst]: A customizable gun that you can swap in and out different spells to change how the gun works while you have this gun rarely enemies will spawn as enchanted enemies these enemies will drop a random spell. You can tell if an enemies is enchanted by the pink particles that come from enchated enemies
Credits and Stuff
I'd like to thank
Blazey, Nevernamed, Some Bunny, SpecialApi, Apache Thunder, UnstableStrafe, Kyle, Skilotar_ and Neighborino who's code i have stolen to make this mod possible and for general support
Glorfindel/scionofmemory for help getting some stuff working nicely with ggb
TheTurtleMelon for giving helpful feedback and play testing