(mod description got messed up when converting it from steam.)
What the mod does:
Magic in our Veins adds many different types of blood perks, each granting a different blood material to the player which can be swapped with a banner within the holy mountain, but the bonus from each perk is still active no matter which actual material you choose.
Please report any bugs and any mod compatibility issues you find.
1.1 is out!
Help this mod get 1000 downloads, I was going to wait until I got to that point, but I'm basically gaining 20 subscribers a day, which would take way too long! Ok, maybe it would only have taken 10 days, but that's still too long! More updates to come. Also, the list of blood types added in 1.1 is in the changelog.
List of perks that are added:
Perk Name: Perk Effects:
Acid Blood Simply makes you bleed acid, and makes acid do no damage to you.
Berserk Blood This one just makes you blood Berserkium, and hasn't really been modified from kenx00x's mod.
Chaos Blood Gives you a semi-random blood type, from a list of somewhat interesting materials. The perk can be taken again to "reroll" what blood type you get from it. I swear, half my time programming this mod went in to this perk. At least it's fun to have cheese blood.
Cold Blood Makes you bleed Freezing Liquid, and prevents damage from that material type. Also prevents you from being frozen.
Hastium Blood You bleed hastium, which is the combination of Acceleratium and Levitatium.
Honey Blood You now bleed honey, and quickly regen health while below 25% hp (or below 25 hp.) This is really meant to be used with Living on the Edge. This perk actually stacks, and gets a little bit insane if you get ten of them.
Poison Blood Makes you immune to poison. This one might be a little bit OP to be honest. Stacks really well with Trick Blood Money. Its only weakness is the fact that poison tends to dissipate fairly quickly.
Chaotic Polymorph Blood Makes you immune to polymorph, but if you have no other blood material to swap to you get stuck with Chaotic Polymorph blood that can turn enemies in to any other enemy type. Good luck if you get this one in the first holy mountain.
Water Blood You can now breathe underwater, and swim faster. I really must advise you to use Goki's Things to disable this if you don't want to disable Fast Swimming and Breathless. More on how to do that is in the "Suggested mods" section.
Steel Blood Your disc projectiles do no self damage to you, and you gain 100% slice immunity. The slice immunity is a byproduct of the disc projectile immunity, but it's not a bug, it's a feature!
Earth Blood You can't be crushed and dig faster.
Whiskey Blood Gives you 50% crit chance and -15% accuracy.
List of blood materials that are unlocked through other perks:
Blood materials cannot be given when taking vanilla perks, so you must use the banner to get these. This is for mod compatibility reasons.
Perk Material:
More Love Pheromone
Repelling Cape Air/Nothing
Kills to Mana Concentrated mana
Teleportitis Teleportatium
Melee Immunity Copper
Explosion Immunity Unstable Gunpowder
Toxic Immunity Toxic Sludge
Fire Immunity Fire
Vampirism Blood(Normal, starting blood type.)
Why didn't you add lava blood, you fool?!
Honestly, there isn't much point in adding lava blood, because there are just too many easy ways to get around lava in this game, and you can't get a trail spell like you can with acid.
Isn't there already a mod that does this on the workshop?
kenx00x's Bleed More Liquids And Powders allowed you to change the blood material of the player through perks, but the mod didn't allow you to change between blood types, and didn't make you immune to your blood type's effects. aka no acid resistance for Acid Blood, etc.
Suggested mods:
Use Goki's Things to manage which of these perks you want to enable. You can let Goki's Things disable perks from other mods, and the vanila game by turning on "Manage External Content" in the mod's options page.
Random Robes II, it's not at all required or even related to this mod I just think it's a good mod.
Future plans for this mod:
Planning to add support for Nightmare, New Game+ and Daily Runs.
Going to add more blood perks, a few of which are:
Earth Blood: Crushing Immunity + digging specific Demolitionist(a goki's things perk.) (added in 1.1)
Steel Blood: Gives you blade imumunity aka Giga Disc Projectile and Disc Projectile can't hurt you. (added in 1.1)
Diamond Blood: Precious metals can be collected and converted in to gold.
Going to add more perks that don't just give a new blood type, such as:
Glory Kill: Killing an enemy that is close to you will make it drop blood money.
Chemical Conjurer: Trail spells, cloud spells, and most other types of material spells can be equipped in the item tab.
Truly Sanguine: The amount you bleed is multiplied by your decreasing health bar.
I am also planning to add many blood related spells, such as one that would convert liquid that matches your blood type into normal blood, a trail spell that will generate whatever your blood type is, and much more. Stay tuned folks!
Special thanks to:
kenx00x, creator of Bleed More Liquids And Powders, who generously allowed me to use all of his mod's files, glad to see there are other Slime Blood lovers in this world.
Goki, who allowed me to use his mod, Goki's Things, as a reference for many features in this mod, and many features yet to come.
The wizards on the modding support section on the Noita discord, who were always there to answer any questions I had.
Lastly, feel free to use any parts of this mod you want, but I would really recommend looking through other, simpler mods if you want to understand how to mod something into the game. This one has a decent bit going on and wasn't always that elegantly made. If this mod contains something you can't find in another mod though, feel free to message me, I ain't busy.