A small mod that currently adds 2 breach npc's, 8 passives, 4 actives, and 1 gun. This mod also adds a few synergies.
If you have any item ideas just lemme know and i will try to make them.
Source code for this mess: https://github.com/An3s079/An3sItems
The prefix for my mod is ans:
Breach NPC's
The Angel: Makes the game easier for those struggling
The Modder: makes *almost* all items/guns in your run modded (if you dont have many modded items/guns, it will be hard for the game to make all of them modded)
Cleansing Water: Active, B Tier, On use removes all curse, unless curse is ten or above, in which case you cant be saved.
Cooler Heart Container: Passive, A Tier, gives the player 1 heart and 4 coolness
Fear Bullets:Passive, C Tier, 30% to give enemy the fear debuff on hit
Leather Jacket:Passive, D Tier, Gives you 3 coolness SYNERGISES WITH SUNGLASSES:constantly gives enemys the fear debuff if they get too close
Lich Bullets: Passive, S Tier, 50% more damage to bosses, 3 curse
Old War Stealthkit:Passive, B Tier 40% to become stealthy after taking damage
Portable Vampire: Active, A Tier Takes half a heart and gives you money.
Random Gun: Gun, B Tier Completely random stats.
Rubber Bullets: Passive, C Increases range and adds bouncing, but slightly lowers damage.
Book Of Necromancy: Active, A Tier : summons a Revolvenant to fight for you. it was not op before *crosses arms*
Tentacle Rounds:Passive, B Tier: 10% chance to summon the tentacles from yellow chamber to kill an enemy for you. SYNERGISES WITH ABYSSAL TENTACLE Abyssal Tentacle gains 5 ammo per kill.
Threatening Aura:Active, C Tier, On use, gives any enemies too close the fear debuff
Water Ammolet:Passive, D Tier Blanks cause water goop to fill the room.
if you have any ideas for the mod please let me know :)